
We develop your business vision

Business development without losing time

A structured and tailored service
that matches commercial and funding opportunities with your strategy...

...and finds the right ingredients to implement it.

Monitor and select
  • BIZVYTM Analytics
  • 140.000 sales opportunities
  • 5.000 project opportunities
  • 1.000 funding opportunities
  • 50 Research and Innovation funds
  • Opportunity profiling
Analyse, plan and design
  • Frame and manage innovation 
  • Project and Product Portfolio analysis
  • Partner analysis
  • Development of preparatory and final proposals
  • Temporary managers
  • Experts Network
Execute and Communicate
  • Organisational assistance
  • Technical and Financial reporting
  • Administrative test and revision
  • Support to executive managers
  • Communication plans
  • Innovation transfer

Your Heading

For enquiries, please contact us